29th January - Today's News: Deadly Tornado Hits Havana
75% of the US population will suffer below-freezing temps this week as a study shows - no doubt much to the incomprehension of the USA's most stupid, ignorant ever president - that major northeastern U.S. snowstorms expected to continue with climate change
Snow begins to disrupt travel across the UK today - but only rain expected in Evesham ....
NZ's heatwave breaks second 157-year record whilst Australia's unrelenting heatwave could make this January the hottest ever on record for Sydneysiders as over 2000 flying foxes perish during Victorian heatwave
Many northern hemisphere lakes 'skating on thin ice' as warming limits freeze
And whilst it's been well known that volcnaoes near the equator can have a big effect on global temperatures, it now appears that extratropical volcanoes influence climate more than assumed as well.
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