23rd July - Today's News: Arctic Sea Ice at Record Low for Mid July
Baked by midsummer sun, Arctic sea ice could face worst losses on record - already at record lows for mid July
A new assessment of historical records concludes that recent decades of European floods are among the worst in 500 years - although of course there is much more infrastructure on flood plains and manipulation of river curses today, all of which greatly affect the extent and consequences of flooding.
China floods: Huai river alert level raised amid heavy rains earlier in the week whilst today thousands evacuated in China after floods threaten villages
A new claim that due to climate change, polar bears could be lost by 2100 - so how did they survive the Eemian then?
Is the clathrate gun about to be set off? First active leak of sea-bed methane discovered in Antarctica
Is the clathrate gun about to be set off? First active leak of sea-bed methane discovered in Antarctica
International analysis narrows range of climate's sensitivity to CO2
Scientists identify 37 recently active volcanic structures on Venus from radar images
Scientists identify 37 recently active volcanic structures on Venus from radar images
Not to be taken seriously: Mexican group claims alien base offers hurricane protection (though they don't know how or why)
And this story was published by the Daily Express today: Hot weather latest: Sweltering heatwave from Europe to hit Britain with 34C blast. The predicted heatwave did indeed materialise ...... back in June!
And this story was published by the Daily Express today: Hot weather latest: Sweltering heatwave from Europe to hit Britain with 34C blast. The predicted heatwave did indeed materialise ...... back in June!
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