
Showing posts from September, 2015

29th September - Today's News: Typhoon Dujuan Hits Taiwan, China

'Super Typhoon' Dujuan kills two and injures hundreds in Taiwan as this morning Typhoon Dujuan makes landfall in east China Thousands left without power after 10,000 lightning strikes hit Brisbane Spain records first snowfall of season high in Sierra Nevada One of the main reasons we talk about climate change and not global warming: large changes in tropical expected due to greenhouse gas emissions according to a new Met Office study. Rosetta's 'rubber duck' comet was once two objects And NASA announces that it is now pretty certain that Martian streaks 'painted by water'

28th September - Today's News: Evacuations Ahead of Typhoon Dujuan

'Super Typhoon' Dujuan nears Taiwan as thousands evacuate from islands Hail storms lash southeast Queensland Meanwhile, on the coast, Queensland's huge 7.5 metre deep beach sinkhole that swallowed cars and caravans could continue to grow Scientists worried about cold 'blob' in North Atlantic amid record hot spell - is it a sign that the 'Gulf Stream'  is slowing down? Voyage traces stirred-up Arctic heat New Horizons: Pluto displays rippling terrain And pictures from around the world of this morning's lunar eclipse as blood moon paints the sky red

25th September - Today's News: Still No Hurricanes in Western Atlantic

What has happened to the hurricanes? Forecasters say NO severe storms have hit western Atlantic this year for the first time since 1914 Adverse weather causes serious damages in islands in Greece After Associated Press ban their reporters from using it, what other term is there for climate science deniers other than deniers? And talking of deniers .... ignore Pope on climate, says Republican Marsha Blackburn , who as well as thinking the world is cooling does not believe in evolution. Meanwhile - and sure to be disputed by said deniers - climate change consensus extends beyond climate scientists   Mystery of Saturn's bizarre hexagonal vortex is solved: Jet stream circling planet's north pole is jostled into shape by winds And no media reports, but the first lying snow was reported on the Ben and the 'Gorms yesterday - later than recent years when it's been around the end of August.

23rd September - Today's News: The 421 Words for Snow

A study by the University of Glasgow discovers that the Scots 'have 421 words' for snow - I suspect they will find even more words for rain though! The MetO release a summary of last year: State of the Climate UK 2014 - the first of a new annual series of reports.  It can be downloaded as a pdf here . Storms kill two, cause widespread damage in Greece with reports of a tornado in the Peloponnese There's a  danger of methane explosions on Yamal peninsular, scientists warn and, whilst it loses something in translation, recent snow [in] Krasnoyarsk explained [by] overheating Arctic Indonesia crop failure blamed on El Nino Caribbean braces for worsening drought as dry season nears Study ranks US cities based on urban heat island effect on temperatures Some good news on global warming: as polar ice melts, seabed is working against climate change And researchers reveal when global warming first appeared

21st September - Today's News: Antarctic Sea Ice at Record High

Iran flash floods kill 10 near Tehran and Hormozgan Heavy rain, snow and gales as storm batters New Zealand Spring thunderstorm brings hail and flash floods to Adelaide Floods kill 53, displace 100,420 people across Nigeria this year Blankets cover Swiss glacier in vain effort to halt icemelt And Antarctic sea ice hit 35-year high Saturday

19th September - Today's News: August Warmest on Record

NOAA: August 2015 was warmest recorded August - JMA data concurs.   It's also been the warmest recorded summer and the warmest year to date.   As usual, Britain missed out .... ‘Disaster zone’ in Thai Pattaya: Dramatic footage reveals scale of tropical storm aftermath Utah flood toll rises to 20; dead Zion National Park hikers named And further supporting my long held assertion that there has been no warming 'pause', in a blind test, economists reject the notion of a global warming pause

18th September - Today's News: TS Vamco Brings Floods to SE Asia

Tropical storm Vamco drenches Vietnam whilst in Thailand, Chon Buri a disaster area after flooding 'Giant hail' batters Central Coast as severe storm warnings issued in NSW US wildfires death toll rises to five Sierra Leoneans ordered to stay at home due to floods Earlier this week, there were motorists stuck in knee-deep floodwater after torrential rain sweeps the North-east  Global warming 'hiatus' never happened, scientists say - as I have been saying all along.   The underlying trend was just temporarily hidden under the 'noise'. Chile quake triggers mass evacuation and tsunami alert Latest images reveal Pluto's hazy horizon  Some encouraging news as Indonesia arrests executives of 'haze-causing' companies  And it is nice to see some local newspapers pick up on the facts rather then just replicate the tripe prodiced by the nationals.   Well done the Wells Journal for informing its readers that contrary to...

16th September - Today's News: Utah Flash Flood Toll Rises to at Least 16

Now 16 dead after southern Utah flash floods; Four still missing Hurricane Linda's remnants drench Los Angeles with wettest September day in decades ,  whilst further north, firefighters gain ground on California wildfire that destroyed 585 homes Ecuadaor forest fires envelop Quito in smoke Arctic sea ice summertime minimum is fourth lowest on record A report concludes that world marine population halved since 1970 - with overfishing, and the knock-on effects thereof, largely to blame (though climate change also gets am inevitable look in). Cassini finds global ocean inside Saturn's moon Enceladus  And the saying 'it never rains but it pours' is truer than ever in Scotland, says new research into how our climate is changing - note, no models were used in this research!

15th September - Today's News: At Least 8 Dead in Utah Flash Flood

8 dead, 5 missing as Utah flash flood sweeps away cars Blustery weather yesterday saw a number of tornadoes reported across England: Tornado caught on camera sweeping across Northamptonshire Another tornado spotted sweeping across Lincolnshire In Warwickshire, a tornado hits Leamington and sees trees uprooted And a  tornado damages Ashchurch army camp near Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire More pictures in the Daily Mail, which also warns you should brace yourself for a very cold winter , although as correctly pointed out at the end of the article, there is currently no reason to suppose that that will be the case. Italy floods and landslides leave one dead on Piacenza Sierra Nevada snowpack lowest in five centuries Summer 2015 set to be world's hottest ever as US temperatures again soar As Southeast Asia wheezes in haze, Indonesia cracks down on slash-and-burn deforestation Japanese volcano Mount Aso erupts unexpectedly And the W...

14th September - Today's News: California Declares Wildfire Emergency

California wildfires: Governor declares state of emergency  Tributes paid to retired priest killed in flash flood on Achill Island Spring heatwave sweeps across southern Australia And globally, next two years hottest, say Met Office - but that does not necessarily mean a hot summer next year in Britain, indeed a cool winter and another cool summer could even be on he cards ....

12th September - Today's News: Mecca Crane Collapses in Storm, 107 Dead

Carnage in Mecca: At least 107 people killed and 238 injured after Bin Laden firm crane collapses on Grand Mosque during freak lightning storm - though it's not as yet clear whether high winds, a lightning strike or something else was the cause of the collapse. In Ireland, homes flooded in Co Clare, couple trapped in car in flood waters Floods drench southern Italy California town of 2,700 warned ahead of explosive wildfire Down in NZ, heaven-sent snow dumps give Cornet record for the most snow to have fallen by this stage of the season. A study shows that burning all fossil fuels would melt all of Antarctic .   But not tomorrow.  Two Mexican volcanoes erupts, shooting ash, smoke into sky New Horizons resumes image return from Pluto And it's September, so our old friends Nathan Rao and James Madden are at it again, predicting, yet again, that the coldest winter for 50 years set to bring months of heavy snow to UK .   Well, I gue...

11th September - Today's News: Typhoon Etau: Many Missing Amid Severe Floods in Japan

Japan floods: Rescue work continues amid deadly floods with at least 25 missing after river breach in Joso and a look at how Japan's devasating rainstorm came about .  Researchers stumped as dust storm persists in Israel for third day Tropical Storm Henri forms near Bermuda at typical peak of Atlantic hurricane season Was mineral deficency responsible (in part) for mammoth wipeout: new evidence from ancient animal 'graveyeard' Is climate change responsible for this summer's wildfires in Buryatia: where thawaing permafrost turns to steppe before our eyes Watch a solar 'tornado' swirl across the face of the Sun And is a comet about to destroy Earth?   No, but I have nonetheless ordered Hancock's new book.   It was, after all, he who reawakened my interest in "advanced ancient civilisations" 20 years ago, leading me to do the research that debunked all his claims .....   This time, I suspect the work has already been d...

9th September - Today's News: The 'Great' Middle East Dust Storm

Dust storm fills skies of Cyprus with reports of at least five dead after intense dust storm blankets Middle East The rain in Spain claims three lives and causes chaos across south coast Tropical  Storm Etau makes landfall in central Japan; flooding, landslides, injuries reported Amid a heatwave in northeastern USA, Boston has hottest day of the year whilst down in the southwest, another heat wave marks end of Sacramento's second-hottest summer on record

8th September - Today's News: Torrential Rain, Flash Floods in Spain

Dramatic scenes with scores of cars, trucks washed away as torrential floods hit southern Spain Dust storm moves into Israel bringing high levels of air pollution after 'unprecedented' sandstorm envelops Lebanon and Syria ID of the storm: Met Office invites public to name severe weather systems - it's confusing enough with the Germans and Scandinavians giving every low pressure system their own different names, on top of whatever the UK media call it!  But I propose we use names of characters from Game of Thrones and look forward to seeing severe disruption to transport caused by Dickon Manwoody .... And how climate change is behind the surge of migrants to Europe -by no means entirely, of course, but certainly a contributory factor, and one which will continue to play a role in migrations around the world for decades to come.  Indeed, even without any climate change, I would still expect massive migration over the next centuries as populations conti...

7th September - Today's News: Large Hailstone Hit Naples

Video footage as storms dump baseball-sized hailstones in Naples Sweden welcomes winter as first snowflakes fall and finally the European heatwave subsides In NZ, spring snow in Southland affecting lambing In Japan, 3 injured, 69 homes damaged as severe winds hit Chiba Massive fireball from space witnessed in Thailand, explosions heard And the still ongoing wildfires around Lake Baikal are 'close to catastrophic' say WWF

4th September - Today's News: Hailstorm Kills Hundreds of Spanish Flamingos

Hundreds of flamingos battered to death during giant hailstone storm in Spain Video footage of the terrifying moment tornadoes struck the coast of Ibiza   City hall in Ukraine's Kiev cancels school amid heat wave mainly due to smog from wildfires as temperatures reached an all time record 35.5c this week Families counting the cost of freak flood in Wirral British summer was the coldest in three years   according to Met Office data.   Once again, we buck the trend .... Hawaii hit with storms, flooding RFA Lyme Bay delivers life-saving supplies in humanitarian mission to storm-hit Dominica (as an aside, a letter in the Daily Fail this week chastised the govt for not helping Dominica - the writer (and no doubt the paper) unware that we station a Royal Naval vessel in the Caribbean specifically for this task.   Something those who argue we don't need armed forces - Mr Corbyn .... - would do well to note!) Typhoon Kilo spins to...

2nd September - Today's News: 3 Pacifc Cyclones and 1 off the African Coast

Typhane or hurricoon?   The storm that changed its title - when it crossed the international date line, Hurricane Kilo became Typhoon Kilo as a flurry of tropical cyclones give super El Nino another boost Meanwhile, in the Atlantic, Hurricane Fred lashes Cape Verde Islands So, with 3 Pacific cyclones, a hurricane off Africa, what's going on?  At the weekend, B.C. storm topples trees, downs power lines and wreaks havoc Tens of thousands without power as monsoon storm hits Phoenix area 2 girls, 13, killed after being hit by lightning while swimming in the sea in Mexico Birmingham hit by 'snow' in September in unseasonal deluge - not sure it was that unseasonal and surely even Brummies realise the difference between hail and snow! 'Grey Swans': Rare but predictable storms could pose big hazards Warm Arctic brews severe winters from US to Asia, study says - much to the consternation of the deniers who just can't figu...