27th July - Today's News: Jasper Destroyed by Wildfire

Canadians mourn as Jasper, jewel of the Rockies, burns but elsewhere, B.C.'s coolest weather in a month aids wildfire fight

Meanwhile, a 'firenado' rips through California in year's biggest blaze

Typhoon Gaemi hits China after deaths in Taiwan and Philippines

The climate crisis strikes Morocco as heatwave kills at least 21 people in 24 hours

Chaotic weather in Europe ravages Denmark and Spain

'Extreme heat epidemic' hitting humanity, UN warns

How warming has more impact than cooling on Greenland's 'firn'

Record 50C temperature increase over Antarctica to shift Australia's weather patterns

Raindrops grow with turbulence in clouds

How Saharan dust regulates hurricane rainfall

Solar absorption by black carbon in fire clouds quantified

Life signs could survive near surfaces of Enceladus and Europa whilst new analysis of Cassini data yields insights into Titan's seas

The Sun is already starting its next solar cycle -- despite being halfway through its current one

'Dark Oxygen' in depths of Pacific Ocean prompts new theories on life's origins

And a first hand account of last weekend's deadly Ethiopian landslide: My family went to help landslide victims and ended up dead


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