29th June - Today's News: Record High Minima in Oman: 42.6c

Unusually, so far in this heatwave, it's not been too humid, there's been a pleasant breeze, and night-time temps have dropped off nicely.   But spare a thought for the residents of Quriyat where there was a minimum temperature of 42.6 °C (108.7 °F) in Oman on June 26, 2018: a new world record

No National records beaten in the end here yesterday, but it was 33c in Porthmadog, 31.9c at Shannon Airport (the highest temperature in Eire since 1976) and 31.8c in Glasgow and the first time home nations hit 30C in five years whilst Met Éireann's Joanna Donnelly says Ireland's heading for record-breaking temperature today

Meanwhile the heatwave forces UK farmers into desperate measures to save cattle with a warning not to take baths or use hosepipes as water supplies dry up in heatwave - though of course this is due to the lack of recent rain rather than current heat.



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