22nd February - Today's News: Record High Temperatures in Scotland
Scotland beats February temperature record from 1897 - 18.3c in Aboyne yesterday was the highest February temperature ever recorded in Scotland, as well as a UK date record. And it's been a challenging winter for snowsports in Scotland due to the unusual lack of snow. We may see some next month (not down here though!).
Even the steaming Nevada desert gets more snow than we do .... Winter storms bring rare snowfall to Las Vegas and Los Angeles
Only visible this time of year, if the weather conditions are right, the annual 'Firefall' in Yosemite National Park stuns visitors
The Earth may be 140 years away from reaching carbon levels not seen in 56 million years during the PETM.
580 mya there was a volcanic binge and its frosty hangover
And the dinosaur mass extinction started with volcanoes, but did the asteroid collision make eruptions worse? Mayhew's law: it's complicated!
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