24th September - Today's News: Flash Flooding in Scotland

Whirlpool weather hits Scotland, or, as The Sun put it, the river's right up my street. As well as heavy persistent rain in Scotland there was a widespread scattering of big thunderstorms yesterday. Except around Evesham where it was dry all day .... as usual. It currently looks like rainfall this month could be less than 50% of average in the Vale, though for much of the country it'll go down as a wet month. And there are signs that autumn could be a wet one generally as well. Though I'm hoping to make a bit of money out of that through a competition being run by Walker's Crisps - £10 every time I pick a spot where it rains! Of course, the wetter it is, the easier it is to win!

In the USA, D.C. area's summer weather named worst of the summer - not because it was cold and wet, but because of record heat and severe thunderstorms. In Britain that'd be classed the best summer weather of all time!

In Delhi, with just over a week before the start of the Commonwealth Games, the Yamuna recedes, but rain leaves many areas flooded.

Tropical Storm Matthew may become Hurricane in Caribbean, strike Honduras

Up in Newfoundland, after Igor, an island left stranded

The opening of the world's biggest offshore wind farm tales UK's capacity to 5GW - at least it's sited less than 500 miles from those who want the electricity! Be interesting to see how if performs if we have another cold winter.

After Fanapi, death toll from typhoon in China rises to 54

Ocean cooling contributed to mid-20th century global warming hiatus

Earth and Venus lightning: similar mechanisms on both planets

UN climate chief resignations call - after presiding over what ended up a bit of a fiasco (though I'm still mystified as to why it took 2 years for the errors to be noticed) he should have resigned unprompted. IMHO the last IPCC report has done more damage to climate science than even Al Gore has.

After the big spring storm in NZ, cost to snow-hit farmers becomes clear with an estimated half a million lambs killed.

A story I missed from earlier this month: in the Philippines, cloud seeding over Angat continues

China seeks binding climate treaty late 2011

And here's one for the conspiracy theorists: nightmarish earthquake drill set for San Diego - or is it just a cover for a real earthquake caused by HAARP and planet Nibiru aimed to create conditions under which martial law can be imposed and the NWO tale over America???!!! I'll have to check out www.abovetopsecret.com later to find out.


  1. Hi Rajan

    I don't dispute that there's been a lot of hysterical alarmism and I hope you're right that its run its course. I can only repeat Roger Pielke Sr's recent comment "Overstatements on all sides of this issue are what is preventing an effective scientific discourse on this subject"

    I'm also pleased to see the misleading term global warming (which led many to think everywhere on the planet should get warmer every year, and in turn led to some claiming global warming wasn't happening because somewhere had a colder than normal winter) being dropped.

    Climate change has of course always happened, but there is no doubt in my mind that human activity is today causing climate change that would not otherwise happen - and much of it is to our detriment. How much of that is down to carbon emissions is another matter - I suspect not nearly as much as some claim but that it may have an impact over the coming decades as atmospheric CO2 increases. I don't see any way to prevent that happening and would rather we concentrated on other aspects of anthropogenic climate change - which in most cases affects a region rather than the whole planet, though a change in one region (forest cover or brown clouds for example) may impact on other distant regions too, in ways we don't yet fully understand.


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