23rd October - Todays News: Fairbanks Facing a 'Brown Halloween'
Ice, snow bring winter conditions to Manitoba and more snow and cold to blast central, eastern USA. But no snow in Fairbanks yet? A grim outlook at Halloween nears - the last 'brown' Halloween in Alaska's second city was in 1938.
Why did South Dakota snowstorm kill so many cattle earlier this month?
Over an inch of rain has fallen in Evesham in the past 24 hours - so it's now officially a wet month! No thunder here (as usual!) but lightning storm captured on camera over Portsmouth yesterday evening
The weekend's Hayling Island storm was 'typical tornado' say my friends from Torro
Fire threat to Australia's Blue Mountains 'averted' as Australian Prime Minister denies 25 years of research linking climate change to bushfires - but hey, he is a politician, so you wouldn't actually expect him to state the truth or even make sense. Just don't ask him about the tooth fairy .....
Torrential rain pours across Fiji
Torrential rain pours across Fiji
Climate change increased the number of deaths in Stockholm between 1980 and 2009
In north-eastern China, 'airpocalypse' hits Harbin, closing schools
And don't tell the ancient alien advocates, but no known homimid is common ancestor of Neanderthals and modern humans, study says - that proves we're alien hybid thingies, dunnit?
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