30th June - Today's News: Lochailort Charity Devastated by Flash Flood
Last week saw my 'local' railway line and road damaged during thunderstorms and worst, a local Highland charity picking up pieces after years of work washed away by flooding at Craiglea.
Meanwhile, from yesterday, a striking picture shows 'mini-tornado' in skies above rural Aberdeenshire
And it's claimed that Britain suffers its wettest June day ever as 10 weeks of rain falls in just 24 hours - at a remote location in the lake District ...... Where they actually see that amount of rain quite frequently
Heavy rainstorm leaves 12 dead, 10 missing in China's Sichuan at the weekend, with, today, China on blue alert as rainstorms continue to wreak havoc and flooding below China's Three Gorges raises questions about dam
More evidence that the asteroid impact, not volcanoes, made the Earth uninhabitable for dinosaurs
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