12th December - Today's News: Britons Moan About the Weather!
Well, Nathan Rao, Daily Express weather forecaster extraordinaire was right about one thing - yesterday was the coldest day of the year with a max of +0.1c in Evesham (though to be fair, that's not actually what he meant: he was predicting the lowest night-time minima of the year). And today may be even colder ...... Apart from the odd flurry, and some ice crystals precipitating out of the fog, no snow about though and currently no signs of any in the foreseeable future with the weather turning rather unsettled, though not especially warm, in the run up to Christmas. However, a white Christmas isn't entirely off the cards yet. Stay tuned.....
Weather like this is fairly common in December and as happens most years Heathrow and London City Airport flights disrupted by fog
Meanwhile, it's perhaps no surprise that Britain 'worst in the world' for weather complaints on Twitter. Well, we hardly have anything else to moan about!
In Bavaria, snow fall leads to criminal charge - in Britain, despite what the media often say (it's a popular misconception brought out whenever we get a dump of snow), you cannot be prosecuted for clearing snow/ice even if as a consequence someone then slips over - so long as you follow common sense.
Swedes warned blizzard to move north along Swedish coast
An American driver survives tornado tossing his truck
And if the fog clears, years best meteor shower peaks this week
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