30th May - Today's News: Downpour Causes Chaos in Montreal
This will be the last entry until the end of next week as I'm away camping in North Wales. Wall of rain causes flash floods, evacuations, power failures in Montreal And in Minnesota, rain stops but Northland still draining Italy quake: search for survivors in Emilia Romagna where at 16 sixteen people have died Downpours trigger landslides, road closures across Bulgaria , but the Ukraine ready with cloud-busters for Euro 2012 soccer matches Here's a surprise (not): EU greenhouse emissions rise despite climate change polices (and us all supposedly being broke) Also, not really a surprise, climate change led to collapse of ancient Indus civilisation Greenland's loss of ice mass during the last 10 years us unusually high compared to last 50 years . But, apparently, lost photos prove Greenland's ice was melting faster 80 years ago than today However, climate change isn't to blame for melting glacier in Bolivia, but our aerosols are . In oth...