10th October - Today's News: Cold Night Brings Northern Lights to Britain

Yesterday was the coldest October 9th on record in Britain, with a minimum of -4.9c at Tulloch in the Highlands.  Nothing special though since Oct 9th was, previously, by far the 'warmest' date of the month and, indeed, even now, only 3rd Oct has not recorded a temp as low or lower (the date record for the 3rd is 4.8c).   However, whilst it has no bearing on the forthcoming winter, it's perhaps also worth noting that the latest MetO seasonal probability charts do indicate a higher than average probability that overall the period Nov-Dec-Jan will be colder than average and slightly drier than average.   This doesn't mean a repeat 2010 of course, since we could just have a long period of very slightly colder than average weather, but nonetheless all the signs are that this coming winter won't be a record mild one.

Meanwhile, coupled with the cold on Monday night  perfect magnetic storm brings spectacular northern lights show.   Grey skies here (and I was in bed), but there was a splendid display of northern lights in show over UK early yesterday morning - with solar max approaching, it's hoped this winter could see some further widespread displays.

A new survey shows, perhaps a little surprisingly, that most Americans link weather to global warming.  And this coincides with a report from the Munich Re that climate change behind rise in weather disasters

Out of sight, out of mind?  Wind farms on Ireland's Bog of Allen could provide UK electricity - but at what cost to the peat moor?   They're talking about 700 turbines!   That's a lot of concrete platforms, roads and electricity pylons .....   Not sure the Irish people will be too happy seeing their landscape desecrated so the English can leave their lights on all night.


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