17th February - Today's News: 12 Dead in Japan Snowstorm
Here on Saturday, couple swept 1,000ft down Mount Snowdon in avalanche, while Lake District suffers 5ft snow drifts and fierce winds blow 44-tonne lorry into petrol station whilst UK floods set to continue as more rain hits today
One consequence of the weather are terrifying holes that are opening up all over Britain - well, parts of the SE of England .... whilst in the SW, thousands of tons of sand are dumped across A-road
The US Southwest warmed by record heat whilst in the NW, Howard Pass wind chill reaches -97 degrees, breaks Alaska state record
And it's hardly a new suggestion that a wavier jet stream 'may drive weather shift' as we've been saying that for several years - it's this meandering that casued recent cold winters in Britain (and in eastern North America this year) and whilst the jet has always meandered, in recent years it's not straightened back out again after a week or so as it used to.
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